Wednesday, 22 June 2016

Ilminster Market

Remember I'm at Ilminster Market every Thursday!  8am-1pm
                             Country Market Honiton every Friday! 9.30am - 12pm
                              1st sat - Churchingford Village hall market 10am - 12pm
                               2nd sat - Yarcombe Village hall market 10am - 12pm
                              3rd sat Hemyock Village hall market 10am - 12pm
Come and see me and taste some of my cakes

Tuesday, 21 June 2016

Cakes for Customers...

I've made cakes for many local customers. Here are a few examples:

Cup Cakes...

Here's a selection of some cup cakes I made recently.

Chocolate, vanilla, whatever flavour!
I can add any decoration to the top of the cakes.